

Until only twenty years ago, Runeterra was on a collision course with disaster. As quickly as Runeterra’s denizens would band together in ancient times as tribes, opposing tribes would war to settle their disputes. No matter the era, the preferred choice of warfare has always been magical. Armies would be enhanced or decimated by spell and rune alike. Champions made the most of magical items forged for them as they led or supported armies. Summoners – often the de facto leaders of Valoran’s political forces – would unleash mighty magical powers directly against foes and their holdings with little regard for consequence. With such an abundance of raw magical power at their disposal, there was little motivation for summoners to explore more environmentally-friendly forms of warfare.

Within the last two hundred years, however, the dangers of unchecked magical warfare began to expose the fragility of Runeterra to everyone residing in Valoran. The last two Rune Wars drastically altered the geophysical landscape of Valoran, even after magical energy was focused on restoring it. Violent earthquakes and horrific magically-fueled storms made life on Valoran challenging, even before factoring in the horror of warfare on the populace. It was theorized that another unchecked Rune War would tear the world asunder.

As a direct response to the world’s growing physical and political instability, Valoran’s key magicians – including many powerful summoners – came to the conclusion that conflicts needed to be resolved in a controllable and systemic way. They formed an organization called the League of Legends, whose purpose was to oversee the orderly resolution of political conflict in Valoran. Housed in the Institute of War, the League would be given the authority by Valoran’s political entities to govern the outcomes of the organized conflict they would administer.

わずか20年前まで、Runeterraは災難との衝突進路でした。Runeterraの住人が種族として古代に団結するのと同じくらい速く、対立する種族は、彼らの論争を解決するために戦います。問題は時代ででなくす、戦争の好ましい選択は常に不思議でした。軍は、同様に期間とルーン文字によって強化されるか、壊滅します。彼らが軍を導いたか、応援したので、チャンピオンは彼らのために鍛えて作られる不思議なアイテムを最大限に活用しました。サモナー – しばしばValoranの政治勢力の事実上のリーダー – 結果とのほとんど関係で、直接強力な魔力を敵と彼らの持ち株にでなく放ちます。そのような豊富な生の魔力は彼らの自由にあって、サモナーが戦争のより環境にやさしい形を調査するほとんど動機づけが、ありませんでした。


世界の発達する身体検査と政治的不安定(Valoranの重要な魔術師)に対する直接の反応として – 多くの強力なサモナーを含むこと – 紛争が制御可能で全体的な方向で解決される必要があったという結論に達しました。彼らは、目的がValoranで政治的な対立の規則正しい解決を監督することになっていたLegendsの連盟と呼ばれている組織をつくりました。戦争学会にしまわれて、連盟は彼らが与える組織化された対立の結果を支配するValoranの国家による権限を与えられます。
